Bitte mal ansurfen - Probleme!

Probleme und Tipps rund um den PC
AdN | Warhammer Online
Beiträge: 740
Registriert: Sa Jul 19, 2003 11:16 pm
Wohnort: WR

Bitte mal ansurfen - Probleme!

Beitrag von Heilofix »

folgende zwei seiten zwingen meinen pc zum neustart, ich würde gerne wissen welches script oder sonstiges dazu führt, daher würde ich mich freuen wenn jemand diese seiten mal anschaut

danke fürs gucken ...
AdN | Gildengeist
Beiträge: 375
Registriert: Sa Jul 19, 2003 9:45 am
Wohnort: N?rnberg

Beitrag von Laboheme »

die erste seite ist ne pseudo- cheat-hack-dupe seite für Guild Wars, permabann ist vorprogrammiert

die zweite ist so ziemlich das nutzloseste was ich gesehen hab... totale zeitverschwendung die seite. ausserdem vollgestopft mit popups und co
AdN | Warhammer Online
Beiträge: 740
Registriert: Sa Jul 19, 2003 11:16 pm
Wohnort: WR

Beitrag von Heilofix »

ja und welches script könnte probleme machen? ^^

ich weiss selber was druff is ^^
AdN | Gildengeist
Beiträge: 375
Registriert: Sa Jul 19, 2003 9:45 am
Wohnort: N?rnberg

Beitrag von Laboheme »

Die sind voller scripts O_o

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<div><font size="3"><strong>A&nbsp;Sample of&nbsp;the GW Guild&nbsp;Wars Cheats&nbsp;Members Have Access to!</strong></font></div></td></tr><tr><td>
<div align="center">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Guild Wars Cheats!!</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Divinity Coast Runs - Gold + Gold items
<br>Making Profits on Magi Scrolls</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Ghost In The&nbsp;Box</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Working Guild Wars Cheats&nbsp;&nbsp;
<br>Increased Drops and Henchmen
<br>Easy Money and Items from Chest</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Guild Wars Cheat Codes&nbsp;
<br>Free Cash At the End of The Game
<br>Charm a bear in Pre Easily</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Althea's&nbsp;Ashes&nbsp;Profit</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Guildwars Cheats</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Skip Orazar Plan B</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">GuildWars Extra Party Members</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Current Guild Wars Cheats</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Ghost-in-the-Box GW Cheat</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">More GW Cheats!</div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Elona Reach running build, warrior and ranger build for M and
<br> Utlimate warrior guide
<br> Fast soloing the boss Scar Eater and also Ghial
<br> Guild Wars PvP&#58; Ghostly Hero Exploit
<br> Guild Wars Glitch&#58; Unidentified Item Useage Exploit
<br> Guild Wars Insider Info&#58; Gil Giants, Unnerfed
<br> GW Trick&#58; How to make 10k per hour
<br> Guild Wars Cheat&#58; How to Run 2 Accounts on 1 PC
<br> Guild Wars Guide&#58; How to create your own macro / bot
<br> GW Guide&#58; Instant 50k XP trick
<br> Guild Wars Hack&#58; +10 regeneration in battle
<br> Guild Wars Bug&#58; Extra People In Your Party
<br> Guild Wars Dupe&#58; Item dupe exploit
<br> Guild Wars Exploit&#58; Speed Hack
<br> Guild Wars Exploit&#58; Thunderhead Keep Exploit
<br> GuildWars Bug&#58; Weapon Glitch
<br> Guild Wars Glitch&#58; Eradon Terrace Glitch
<br> GW Bug&#58; Killing your mirror self with ease
<br> Guild Wars Exploit&#58; Invincible Pet
<br> GW Bug&#58; How to get to the end of the world
<br> GW Exploit&#58; Enchantment exploit
<br> GW Exploit&#58; Cheat on rolls
<br> Guild Wars Glitch&#58; How to make weapons invisible
<br> Guild Wars Guide&#58; Soloing Fissure of Woe
<br> Guild Wars&#58; Factions Easy Leveling
<br> Guild Wars Guide&#58; The 20,000 gold per hour run
<br> GW Guide&#58; Extensive Guide to Powerleveling
<br> Guild Wars Build&#58; Griffon Farming Build
<br> Guild Wars Guide&#58; Necromancer Strategy Guide
<br> Guild Wars Guide&#58; W/Mo - Solo Ghial Farm
<br> Guild Wars Strategy&#58; Insider GvG Guide
<br> Guild Wars Guide&#58; Make 20,000 gold per hour
<br> Guild Wars Guide to Rune Farming
<br> Guild Wars Trick&#58; Quest items exploit
<br> Guild Wars Guide&#58; Crystal Desert Farming
<br> Rush through Thirsty River
<br> Guild Wars Guide&#58; Ettin Farming for W/Mo
<br> GW Trick for Beacons Perch to Scoundrels Rise Run
<br> Guild Wars Hint&#58; Dunes of Despair Bonus
<br> GW Guide&#58; How to tank - the expert guide
<br> Guild Wars Guide&#58; Warrior/Monk powerfarming
<br> Guild Wars Guide&#58; Mid-level farming
<br> Guild Wars Hints&#58; Easter Eggs </div>
<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div align="left">Why Take your Pick</div>
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<div align="left">Guild Wars Macros</div>
<div align="left">Guild Wars Bots</div>
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<div style="overflow&#58; auto; height&#58; 300px;">
<strong>Sample of The GW Guild Wars Exploits and Gold Dupes Members Have Access to!</strong> 
<p>Guild Wars Exploits!!</p>
<p>Guild Wars Dupes!!</p>
<p>Monk Mirror Trick</p>
<p>Hundred Bladed Healing</p>
<p>Town Storage Access</p>
<p>AoE AI Exploit</p>
<p>Z-Axis Bug</p>
<p>Dual suffix bug</p>
<p>Exhaustion Exploit</p>
<p>Working Guild Wars Exploits</p>
<p>Learn Mods on Unidentified Items - Huge Moneymaker</p>
<p>Riverside Boss Bug</p>
<p>Sacred Temples Bodyblocking</p>
<div>Merchant Price Exploit</div>
<div>Skills Never End Early</div>
<div>Burning Isle Z-Axis Exploit</div>
<div>Gate Exploit</div>
<div>Level 20 in 5 Hours</div>
<div>Elona Reach Exploit</div>
<div>Consume Soul Bug</div>
<div>Simple Easy Xp</div>
<div>Healing Monk Exploit</div>
<div>Easy Balthazar Faction</div>
<div>Kill Kanaxai With Lifesteal</div>
<div>End boss of The Deep Elite mission cavalon</div>
<div>Use 12 People on your GvG team </div>
<div>Play Alliance Battles For the Other Faction </div>
<p>GuildWars Exploits</p>
<p>Max Life Regeneration Exploit</p>
<p>Finish Assist NPC Quests Easy</p>
<p>6+ Plat A Run, Great Exploit</p>
<p>Elona Reach Mission Exploit</p>
<p>No timer Easy Gold, For Level 18+</p>
<p>NPC Pathing Exploit</p>
<p>Gold and XP, Druids Overlook</p>
<p>Best Guild Wars Exploits</p>
<p>Starting at level 3, Max Level in Under 5 Hours</p>
<p>Healing Exploit</p>
<p>How to control the pigs for huge</p>
<p>Unlimited Drake and Grand Drakes, Unlimited Cash</p>
<p>Attacking Through Walls</p>
<p>Guild Wars Dupes</p>
<p>Level 20 in 5 Hours</p>
<p>Quick Way To Hall of Hero's</p>
<p>NPC Pathing Exploit, Hero's Audience Gold Exploit</p>
<p>Duplicating Guild Wars Access Key</p>
<p>Infinite gold! / Item Dupe Method</p>
<p>Gold Dupe Method</p>
<p>Kill Mirror w/ Necro Quickly</p>
<p>Fake Roll Exploit and How to Stop it</p>
<p>Druid's Overlook easy EXP </p>
<p>Pathing XP / Gold Exploit 3 </p>
<p>Pathing XP / Gold Exploit 2
<p>Pathing XP / Gold Exploit 2
<p>Pet XP Exploit
<p>Wizards Hall Xp Exploit
<p>Rune Selling Exploit</p> 
<p>Guild Wars Dupes
<p>Farm Drakes even with nerf and get rares / runes
<p>Extra Time For Buffs Cheat
<p>Pre-searing Scale Farming Exploit
<p>Gates of Kryta Exploit</p> 
<div>Hall of Heroes Exploit </div>
<div>AOE Group Damage
<p>Below Zero HP Glitch
<p>Elona Reach Exploit
<p>Farm Grifs Easily in Augury Rock</p>
<p>Awesome farming place outside of Gates Of Kryta!
<p>Healing Exploit
<p>Footprint Unlimited Health Exploit
<p>Iron Mines Chest Farming
<p>Get Great Weapons Fast</p> 
<p>More GW Exploits!</p>
<p>More GW Dupes!</p></div>
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<strong><em>GW Guild Wars Guides</em></strong></td>
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<div style="overflow&#58; auto; height&#58; 300px;">
<div><strong>A Sample of&nbsp; The Guild Wars&nbsp;Guides Members Have Access to!</strong></div>
<div>Guild Wars Guides!!</div>
<div>Guild Wars Strategies!!</div>
<div>Nolani Academy XP and Item Farming 
<br>Beat Mirror Self As Ranger 
<br>Druids Overlook Easy XP 
<br>Ice Tooth Cave Chest Run 
<br>Pre-Searing Bandit Dye Farming </div>
<div>Basic Tombs Build </div>
<div>Tutorial - Chest Farming Like a Pro 
<div>Best Henchmen Guide 
<div>Guild Wars Guide</div>
<div>Grenth's Footprint Solo Trick 
<div>Quest Farming Exploit - Henchies with Full XP and Loot 
<div>2 Man Underworld Farming 
<div>Better Prices on Troll Tusks 
<div>Train a Dire Pet</div>
<div>Best&nbsp;GuildWars Guides!&nbsp; 
<br>&nbsp;Level 20 in Pre-Searing 
<div>5 Man Green Item Farming</div>
<div>Best&nbsp;Guild Wars Guides&nbsp; 
<div>Guide to Forgerunning 
<div>New Tombs B/P Team Build 
<div>Griffon Farmer - Warrior/Monk 
<div>Special Chest in Dreadnought's Drift 
<div>Spider Pets</div>
<div>Great running build for a w/xx
<br>Thirsty River solo build w/mo 
<br>Guild Wars Missions and Bonus Guide
<br>The Charr Sword
<br>Guild Wars Guide
<br>Star Ancient Farming 
<br>Special Event Builds 
<br>Factions Main Quest Walkthrough 
<br>Witman's Folly Chest Run
<br>Nolani Academy&nbsp; 
<div>Necromancer 5-Man Farming 
<div>Griffon Farmer - 55 Monk 
<div>Icy Dragon Sword Farming 
<div>Troll Farming - Fastest XP in the Game 
<div>Doppelganger Strategies 
<div>Rune Farming - Ettins 
<div>Witman's Folly Chest Run</div>
<div>Working Guild Wars Guides&nbsp; 
<div>Ice Floe Barrel Run 
<div>Stingray Strand Chests 
<div>Arid Sea chests 
<div>Power Rune Farming - Heavy Tengu Armor 
<div>Fissure of Woe Chest Farming 
<div>E/Mo 4k in 10 Minutes 
<div>Hell's Precipice Chest Farming 
<div>EViL's Season 1 Build 
<div>Irresistible Blokes Season 1 Build 
<div>&nbsp;Complete Map of Underworld 
<div>&nbsp;A Map of the Fissure of Woe 
<br>Droknar Cave Money Guide 
<br>Level 20 In 5 Hours 
<br>5k an hour at Druids Overlook 
<br>Level 16-20 Great XP and Money 
<br>Farming Riverside 
<br>Quick Levels&#58; Amazingly Fast, 10-15 
<br>Port Sledge Chest Run 
<br>3Kgp in 6 minutes 
<br>Monk Mirror Trick 
<br>Solo Riverside 
<br>Titan Pathing 
<br>Beetletun Farming </div>
<div>10,000gp + per hour</div>
<div>Dye Tricked 
<br>GvG Catapult Damage 
<br>Hall of Heroes the Quick Way 
<br>Ember Light Path Farming </div>
<div>10,000gp+ & Items per</div>
<div>Bandit, Dye, and Belt Farming 
<br>Port Sledge Chest Run </div>
<div>3k in 6 minutes</div>
<div>12k an hour </div>
<div>Runs Take Less Than 5 mins</div>
<div>Great Farming Place, lvl 12+ 
<br>Replenishing your Energy 
<br>Unofficial Game Manual 
<br>EXTENSIVE Newbie Guide 
<br>Adrenaline Guide 
<br>Zealot Farming Guide 
<br>Level 5-20 in 2 Days 
<br>Missions and Bonuses 
<br>Guide to Understanding Rares and Runes 
<br>Ultimate Monk Build 
<br>30k gold in 2 hours 
<br>Dye Farming Guide 
<br>Trade Scam 
<br>Quick Levels</div>
<div>Fast 10-15</div>
<div>Galen Trask </div>
<div>Sorrows Furnace Chests</div>
<div>Easy Power Leveling 
<br>Monk Guide 
<br>Warrior Guide 
<br>Mesmer Guide 
<br>Necromancer Guide 
<br>Ranger Guide 
<br>Fire Elementalist Guide 
<br>Great Guides 
<br>Low level Chars to Darknog Forge Easily 
<br>Drake farming guide 
<br>Walkthrough to Fissure Armor Crafter + Reqs 
<br>Farming/Good XP for Monk primary 
<br>Infinate Refund points 
<br>1-20 RP Guide 
<br>Increased drops via Henchmen w/ Smite Runs 
<br>Solo the Underworld Build and Tutorial 
<br>Thunderhead Keep Walkthrough</div>
<div>Post Nerf UW Monk Build 
<br>The Perfect Runner 
<br>Monk Farming Guide 
<br>Invinci Monk Build 
<br>Solo UW and FoW Videos 
<br>W/Mo Smitter Hammer Build 
<br>FoW Chest Run Guild 
<br>Great Northern Wall exploit 
<br>Guide to Killing Glint 
<br>Godly Monk Build x2</div>
<div>More GW Guides!</div>
<div>More GW Strategies!</div>
<div><font size="1" face="Georgia" color="#000000">GW Guild Wars Exploits, Cheats, Macros, Guides, Hacks, Dupes, Programs, Bots, Secrets, Strategies, Apps</font></div>
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<strong><em>GW Guid Wars Programs</em></strong></td>
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<div style="overflow&#58; auto; height&#58; 300px;">
<p><strong>A&nbsp;Sample of&nbsp; The Guild Wars Hacks, Bots, & Macros Members Have Access to!</strong></p>
<div>Guild Wars Hacks!!</div>
<div>Guild Wars Bots!!</div>
<div>Guild Wars Macros!!</div>
<div>Hunting Macro</div>
<div>Guild Wars autofighter&nbsp;</div>
<div>Attack and Run Faster</div>
<div>Guild Wars Leveling Bot&nbsp;</div>
<div>55 build macro</div>
<div>Guild Recruiter Bot</div>
<div>Killbot Macro - AutoIT</div>
<div>Powerfarmer Bot</div>
<div>Current Guild Wars Macros</div>
<div>Working Speedhack, Run, Attack, Spells</div>
<div>Map of all Skills Program 
<div>Map Program</div>
<div>Working Guild Wars Hacks</div>
<div>GuildWars Bot</div>
<div>GW Looter</div>
<div>Guild Wars Attribute Calculator</div>
<div>Map of all Skills Program</div>
<div>Guild Wars Spam bot &nbsp;</div>
<div>Hunting Macro</div>
<div>Best GuildWarcs Hacks&nbsp; 
<div>2 Accounts on the Same Comp / IP 
<div>Guild Wars Character Builder </div>
<div>Hunting Bot</div>
<div>Guild Wars Bots</div>
<div>GuildWars Macros&nbsp;</div>
<div>Attack and Run Faster Bot</div>
<div>55 Build Macro &#40;All Purpose&#41; 
<div>Auto Login Simple Edit</div>
<div>More GW Hacks</div>
<div>GW Bots!</div>
<div>GW Macros!</div>

AdN | Gildengeist
Beiträge: 375
Registriert: Sa Jul 19, 2003 9:45 am
Wohnort: N?rnberg

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<div align="left">Guild Wars Secrets</div>
<div align="left">Guild Wars Guides</div>
<div align="left">Guild Wars Macros</div>
<div align="left">Guild Wars Bots</div>
<div align="left">Guild Wars Apps</div>
<div align="left">Guild Wars Programs</div>
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<input type="radio" value="Option1" name="Vote"> Assassin</td></tr>
<input type="radio" value="Option2" name="Vote"> Elementalist </td></tr>
<input type="radio" value="Option3" name="Vote"> Mesmer </td></tr>
<input type="radio" value="Option4" name="Vote"> Monk</td></tr>
<input type="radio" value="Option5" name="Vote"> Necromancer</td></tr>
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<input type="radio" value="Option7" name="Vote"> Ritualist</td></tr>
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Registriert: Sa Jul 19, 2003 12:25 pm
Wohnort: Hemmoor

Beitrag von Gattaca »

Sven, deinstallier mal Dein Java und inste das neu .. ich glaub Dein prob liegt woanders ..
999 ... is evil doing a handstand! :flamingdev:
-> Aktiv bei WoW auf EU-Proudmoore (Allianz) unterwegs!

Meine WoW Gilde: Wir machen den Weg frei
AdN | Gildengeist
Beiträge: 375
Registriert: Sa Jul 19, 2003 9:45 am
Wohnort: N?rnberg

Beitrag von Laboheme »

das problem is vor der tastatur :oops:
AdN | Warhammer Online
Beiträge: 740
Registriert: Sa Jul 19, 2003 11:16 pm
Wohnort: WR

Beitrag von Heilofix »

Gattaca hat geschrieben:Sven, deinstallier mal Dein Java und inste das neu .. ich glaub Dein prob liegt woanders ..
fox 2.0?